How to Create Glowing Eyes Effect | After Effects Tutorial

How to Create Glowing Eyes Effect | After Effects Tutorial

February 23, 2022
Jonathan Fields

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create glowing burning eyes FX in Adobe After Effects.

Glowing eyes are a popular visual effect in movies and TV shows. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create glowing eyes using After Effects. 

To make the process easier, we will work with some of our assets, like our Cigarette Smoke and Icon: Anamorphic Lens Flare collections. Let's get started!

This AE tutorial will cover:

ActionVFX Collections Used:

So there you have it. We’ve walked through how to track your footage in Mocha, how to use our Icon: Anamorphic Lens Flare Collection to create the best eye glow, how to add our Cigarette Smoke elements to the eyes, and finally how to create your ignition points.

Try out this composition yourself. Click here to download the plates and follow along!

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