General FAQ

How do I remove a black (or white) background from Stock Footage?

Don't worry! This is very easy to do and there are many different ways that you can go about it.
Check out this video we've created to learn about all of the different methods and what they do.

I've forgotten my password. How can I reset it?

To reset your password, simply enter your ActionVFX account email address on the forgot my password page.
After entering your email, you will be sent a confirmation link to be able to create a new password.

Please note that reset links can expire if left more than 24 hours.

How can I download all of my products at once?

You can download your effects individually or by Collection.
In addition to the "Download all (format)" button available for full Collections, you now have the option to download via a download manager.

Using a Direct Download:
If you head over to your "My Downloads" page and select a collection, you will see one or more green buttons above the file type that says "Download All." 
Simply choose the file type in the Collection you purchased that you wish to download, and click "Download All." Some collections contain multiple types of files: PRORES, MXF, R3D, etc... Be aware that a particular clip may only be available under PRORES.

What software do your effects work in?

While we offer different video formats and file types across our library, we always try to include a Prores version of each effect. 

The Apple Prores file format is supported on a wide number of different composing software, so your software should be covered!
Here are just a few of the many programs that are supported:

If you're having trouble importing the video clips into a software you know supports Apple Prores, please make sure you have the latest version of QuickTime installed on your machine.

Subscription FAQ

All of our frequently asked questions related to our subscription can be found, here.

Top 10 ActionVFX Tutorials

All of these tutorials can be found in the Tutorials page of our website and also uploaded in our YouTube channel.