After Effects Tutorial: How To A Create Mortal Kombat-Inspired Fatality

After Effects Tutorial: How To A Create Mortal Kombat-Inspired Fatality

April 23, 2021
Cody Vineyard

Learn how to create a blood-filled fatality shot inspired by Mortal Kombat.

You've come here for one reason, and one reason only. You want to know how to create a gory shot that is worthy of a fatality scene in Mortal Kombat!
Luckily, we have all the techniques and all the gore right here. In this tutorial, we will show you how to make incredible Sub-Zero effects, from the razor-sharp icicle weapon to the unlucky soul getting his blood splattered. We're giving you the project files for you to follow along in the tutorial, as well!


The main topics we cover are:
1. Learning how to use MochaPro's Power Mesh feature
2. How to use Power Mesh in tandem with ActionVFX gore elements.
3. Free backplate and icicle CG render to use.
4. Using Displacement map and UV render pass to add blood to the icicle.
5. Create an ice frosting effect like Sub-Zero.
Did you enjoy this Mortal Kombat tutorial? We love creating epic shots with our Blood and Gore elements!

Use the techniques you've learned in this tutorial to create your own viral shot as we wait for the new Mortal Kombat movie!

Let us know what tutorial you want to see in the future!

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