2 Next-Level Energy FX Collections: Energy Balls & Energy Vortex

2 Next-Level Energy FX Collections: Energy Balls & Energy Vortex

December 22, 2020
Cody Vineyard

Your sci-fi scenes will thank you later. Check out two new Energy FX collections!

Admit it, we've all wanted to summon an Energy Ball like a wizard in our scenes, or cinematically appear out of an Energy Vortex swirling around us!

Thankfully, the crew here at ActionVFX is giving you just that! Even better, these two new collections are live on the website during our VFXmas sale and can get them both for 30% off!

Here are the specs and what you can expect from these new Energy FX collections.

Energy Balls VFX Stock Footage

Energy Balls Specs:
- 12 turbulent energy spheres and orbs
- Designed for realistic Sci-Fi and Magic effects
- Includes variations in shape, turbulence, and style
- Easily change the color to your liking
- Delivered in 2K or 4K in 12-Bit ProRes 4444 at 30fps
- All files include a pre-keyed Alpha Channel

Like our other Energy FX collections, these elements are CG and were designed for sci-fi and fantasy scenes! These effects are perfect for magic, Dragon Ball Z-type anime effects, fireballs from sorcerers, and other fantasy effects.
Energy Ball Slider
The style and shape of the Energy Balls vary from clip to clip. You can easily change the color with a hue adjust, as well as combine them to make the Energy Ball look as big and unique as you want!

Energy Vortex VFX Stock Footage

Energy Vortex Specs:
- 18 spiraling particle vortexes at 3 different angles
- Designed for realistic Sci-Fi and Magic effects
- The perfect elements for teleportations
- Easily change the color to your liking
- Delivered in 2K or 4K in 12-Bit ProRes 4444 at 30fps
- All files include a pre-keyed Alpha Channel

If you're in need of teleportation or spell-casting effects, this is collection is the one for you! Whether you're magically appearing from teleportation, or you are casting a spell that is swirling in power, there's no end to what you can create with these elements!
Energy Vortex Slider

These spiraling particle vortexes are full of variations! Some vortexes are more circular, while others are more displaced and turbulent. With front, side, and angled views, there's a clip for any scene you may have!

Have fun with these new Energy FX collections! Remember, VFXmas deals are live! You can get both of these collections for 30% off! Go explore the library before it's too late!

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