ActionVFX Featured in Power Rangers vs. Voltron: Minute Match-Ups

ActionVFX Featured in Power Rangers vs. Voltron: Minute Match-Ups

November 10, 2016
Joe Camarata
Our friends from the YouTube channel, Ismahawk, released a video from their Minute Match-Up series called POWER RANGERS vs VOLTRON, Episode 4. A really cool aspect to this video is that our Atmospheric Smoke & Fog assets appear in various spots throughout the video!
Check it out:
Danny was awesome enough to create a CGI/VFX Breakdown video for this episode. He talks with their CG Animator and the Voltron HUD Designer on this project.

The video really does a great job showing just how much work went into making this a cool video; so much extra detail was put into the little things. 
First time here? ActionVFX creates action stock footage for VFX and filmmaking. (We also have some great 
free stuff!)

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